Monday, November 23, 2009

Sequences(new unit)
This new unit will talk about sequences....(obviously)
Pyramid schemes can be made by anybody.Pyramid schemes are inherently injurious to consumers because as a mathematical certainty, they are doomed to collapse. As in the case of chain letters that require a payment, only the people at the very top make any money.

EX> 6
Pyramid schemes exploit people. This with limited knowledge of business such as individuals who have little experience in direct sales.
Why would anyone join a pyramid scheme?
They are sold to people that are assured that they are absolutely legal...(THEY ARE NOT NOT NOT LEGAL)
These people expect money to come in later down the line or any sort of promised prize and they do not receive it. These people that start these are con artists.
Dear investor:
You will be a millionaire....!!!! send 20 dollars to me with this letter.I will send it out to 6 people who will send it to six others and so on. for every person sent to you will receive 5 dollars. this is how it will work:::
round letters sent responses total people
1 200 12 200
2 2400 144 2600
3 28800 1728 31400
4 345600 20736 377000
5 4147200 248832 4524200
6 49766400 2985984 54290600 $14,929,920.00
7 597196800 35831808 651487400
8 7166361600 429981696 7817849000
This here is how it would work out if 6% of the people responded to the letters.

some times these are really bad schemes and the people do not send out any money and they take 100% of the profit this is what happens in most cases..

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