Tuesday, December 8, 2009

DEC 3 tut 6-4

again i missed another post lol, anyways to days we learned about the KOCH SNOWFLAKE yay. we learned a bit more today on how the fractorial thingy ma jiggy works. we worked on the snowflake and filled in tables on the perimeter & on the area.
the perimeter we found the sequences on the # of new sides and the lenght of them, then to find the total area you could have taken "new side x new length" to get the total length. another way to do it is take the "previous total perimeter x {length/side}" and you will find the next total perimeter.

mr bennet also have premade graphs showing us what they would look like when we plugged the values into excel and made a graph.

to find the total area it is the same principle put in the values and find the sequences, get the total area

we also did the Sierpinski Gasket which had the same principle.

i guess a key note is that perimeter graphs increase but area graphs level off over a period of time

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