Object &Rules: There are 52 cards in the deck. Ace is = to 1. You make a diamond of nine cards facing down. You flip one card from the deck to start the game (head card). If you think the bottom card of the diamond is lower than the head card and you are right you continue to play. The object of the game is to make it to the top of the diamond by guessing higher or lower than the previous card. You only have to guess one card per row and if you guess a 3 and the next card is a 3 you lose. If you guessed lower but the card was higher you lose the game and have to take 3 drinks of "coke" also I should add you have to continue to play game after game until you win. It gets you "a sugar rush" fast if you don't guess right.
My two friends and I did a experimental demonstration of the game this weekend and this is our results.
Game 1 Ashley:
4 Higher 10 Lower 3 Higher 7 Higher J Lower 3 WINNER!
Game 2 Reena:
Q Lower A Higher 8 Lower 4 Higher 2 LOSER!
Game 3 Reena:
K Lower 9 Lower J LOSER!
Game 4 Reena:
A Higher K Lower 8 Lower K LOSER!
Game 5 Reena:
3 Higher k Lower 6 Lower 7 LOSER!
Game 6 Reena:
6 Higher 9 Higher 3 LOSER!
Game 7 Reena:
10 Lower A Higher 7 Lower 2 Higher J Higher Q WINNER!
Game 8 Scott:
4 Higher J Higher 5 LOSER!
Game 9 Scott:
6 Lower 8 LOSER!
Game 10 Scott:
5 Higher 2 LOSER!
Game 11 Scott:
Q Lower 10 Lower 5 Higher 9 Lower 4 Higher 2 LOSER!
Game 12 Scott:
7 Higher J Lower 8 Lower 5 Higher 10 Lower 6 WINNER!
Game 13 Ashley:
4 Higher Q Lower 4 Higher 7 Higher A LOSER!
Game 14 Ashley:
J Lower 9 Lower 2 Higher 3 Higher 10 Lower 3 WINNER!
Game 15 Reena:
6 Higher K Lower Q Lower K LOSER!
Game 16 Reena:
3 Higher 3 LOSER!
Game 17 Reena:
9 Lower 6 Higher K Lower 9 Lower 8 Higher A LOSER!
Game 18 Reena:
A Higher 7 Higher Q Lower A Higher 2 Higher 10 WINNER!
Game 19 Scott:
5 Lower 8 LOSER!
Game 20 Scott:
Q Lower 2 Higher 6 Higher J Higher K WINNER!
What are the chances of winning the game over the course of 20 games, 100 games, 1000 games using our experimental demonstration? Does the answer change?
Answer: P(W)= 6/20 = 3/10
P(W)=30/100 = 3/10
P(W)=300/1000 = 3/10
No the answer does not change
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