Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ring Ring !!

The telephone was invented in 1870 by Alexander Graham Bell.

1. - Calculate how many possible phone numbers there are in an 11 digit phone number. *Each sequence must be a 3 or 4 digit number*

"Remembering that the first digit is 1 in all questions."

2. - Then decide how many phone numbers there are if the phone numbers 10 digits has the following criteria:
- The first 4 digits is the year you were born, the next 1 digit is how many letters are in your first name, the next 2 digits are any 2 #'s above zero that add up to 9, the next digit is the first # of your house number, and the last 2 digits is the number of students in the classroom.

Ex: Your answer?

What Form(s) did you use?

1 comment:

  1. Great first post Des.The second question seems pretty hard though. I'd like see your answer. Once you have your answer , you will see why we use country codes for calling different countries outside North America.
